Research Output Showcase | Undergraduate Student Research Internships 2022
Research Output Showcase

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3D Reconstruction of Widow Spiders Walking Across Webs

Aryan Sadghian, Western University

A Bacterial Microbiome Analysis of Solarized Ginseng Garden Soils

Anka Colo, Western University

A Collaborative Approach to Caring for Refugees in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sara Mojdehi, Western University

A Conservation Crisis in our Backyard; Exploring the Challenge of Advocacy and Restoration in the Carolinian Ecoregion

Ava J. Russell Miss, Western University

A content analysis of anti-doping sciences and interventions

Yuan Wang, Western University

A Corpus-Based Analysis of Temporal Connectives Used in Language

Martha Valmana Crocker, Western University

A Critical Analysis on R. v. Orr in Understanding the Management of Human Trafficking in Immigration and Refugee Claims in Canada

Rachel Tsz Yin Chan, Western University

"A Gesture of Solidarity Through Music": Local and International Community in Canadian Benefit Concerts for Ukraine

Charlotte M. Lilley, Western University

A Kuramoto Model Approach to Predicting Chaotic Systems with Echo State Networks

Sophie Wu, Western University
Jackson Howe

A meta-analysis on Diverse Teams

Jeeyun Han, Western University

A Podcast on Smart Indigenous Youth: Utilizing Digital Epidemiology to Address Indigenous Youth Mental Health

John Li, Western University

A Pressure and Stress Study of Reidite

Gillian G. Noonan, Western University

A Psychological Profile of the Digitized Economy: Who Buys Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and Meme-Stocks (and Why)?

Nicole Wolfe, Western University

A Qualitative Look Into Repair Practices

Jumana Labib, Western University

A Review of Accessibility and Return to Sport (COVID-19) Policy in Provincial and Territorial Sport Organizations across Canada

Elias Boussoulas, Western University

A Study of Canadian Bankruptcies, 2014-2022

Luis Guilherme Mazzali de Almeida

A Transformer-Based Classification System for Volcanic Seismic Signals

Anthony P. Rinaldi, Western University
Cindy Mora Stock, Western University
Cristián Bravo Roman, Western University
Alexander Hemming, Western University

Acoustic Reflex Activation and its Effect on Middle Ear Function

Austen Schmoll

# Activism: Feminist Activism in a Digital World

Liana S. Forsyth BA, Western University
Katie Chovanec BSC, Western University
Elizabeth Lewis BA, Western University
Christine Taylhardat BA, Western University
Chesta Yadav BA, Western University
Xynyi Yang BA, Western University

Allyship in Anti-Racist Online Verbal Art

Choi Sze Leung, Western University
Sapphire Mendonca, Western University

An Analysis of Clinical Research Enrollment Decisions in Post-Ebola Guinea

Alisha Kabani, Western University

An Analysis of Ground Stone Celts on the Late Woodland Middle Ontario Iroquoian Dorchester Village Site (AfHg-24)

Patrick J. Seddon, Western University

An Environmental Scan of Weight-Inclusive Resources

Sara A. Bozzo

An Explorative Study of the Methods used in Dendrochronology and its Applications

Matthew Bowery, Western University

Analysis of Credit Risk and Single / Two Factor Model

Siwen Chen

Analysis of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's 2009 Update to FMVSS 216a

Lauren AM Douglas, Western University
Kalish Gunasekaran, Western University
Haojie Mao, Western University

Application of Tensile Testing Machine For Measurement of Skin Friction Coefficient

Jeremy Silver-Mahr, Western University

Applying GIS Software to Visualize Temporal Changes in Drinking Water Quality Sources

Salam Radhaa

Archiving Digital Performance Art in Global Space

Curran Aidan, Western University

Assaying alpha-ketoglutarate content in TFAM knockout cell lines - Ziwei Lin (Schulich Medicine and Dentistry)

Ziwei Lin

Assessing Cognitive Health Outcomes in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis Patients

Ruo Yan Chen, Western University

Assessing the Impact of Lipopolysaccharide on Learning and Memory in Rats

Anahat Luthra, Western University

Assessing The Role of Integrins in Contact Guidance by substratum topography

Robin S. Hong, Western University

Assessment of Arm Position in Egyptian Mummies

Emily King, Western University

Auditory Sensory Filtering and Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Hiruthika Ravi, Western University
Ala Seif, Western University
Ryan A. Stevenson, Western University

Automated Fitting of Raman Signatures for Carbonaceous Material Geothermometry

Quinn Ciardelli, Western University
Tianqi Xie, Western University

Bias-corrected Bagging in Active Learning with an Actuarial Application

Yangxuan Xu, Western University

Bismuth Binding in Human Metallothionein

Emily M. Toswell, Western University

Camera Trapping at Long Point National Wildlife Area & Exploring Practical Applications of GIS

Lauran Stoner, Western University

Candidate Ideology and Positioning in the 2022 Conservative Leadership Race

Chon Kei Chen, Western University

Care Relationships of Adult Disabled and Nondisabled Siblings

Dima Kassem, Western University

Category Learning - Studies in Mood Induction and Neural Representations across Modalities

Raha Afkhami Nemati

Changes in Audiovisual Integration in Aging

Alyssa S. Lynn, Western University

Characteristics of those who identify as ‘incels’

Amelia Hamilton, Western University

Child Cognitive Achievement Gaps: The Role of Family Structure and Maternal Locus of Control in Parental Investment

Nalinda K. Murray, Western University

Clarifying the best interests standard in children’s medical decision making: Toward a consistent and reliable guide for practice

Micaela Nicole Forte, Western University
Lacy Soparlo, Western University

Classical Reception in the Pre-Revolutionary Art of Jacques Louis David

Christopher Neibert, Western University

Climate change-related health inequalities in Canada: How hot temperatures affect vulnerable groups

Ariba Quidwai, Western University

CNN-LSTM vs ANN: Option Pricing Theory

Edward Chang, Western University

Cold Turkey: A Mass Smoking Cessation Event Induced by a Film

Elsie E. Sheppard, Western University

Collection of Violin Technique Fundamentals

Patricio Flores Esquivel, Western University

Community-Engaged Learning: the National Response Within Institutions

Sarena Akhter, Western University

Commuting and Transportation as it Relates to the Environment

Alexander W. Pinter, Western University

Comparing Computational Methods by Stretching Diatomic Molecules


Compassion Fatigue in Healthcare Professionals during COVID-19: Scoping Review Protocol

Lucy Hui, Western University
Christina Oleynikov, Western University
Sheila Boamah, Western University
Anna Garnett, Western University

Connecting the Hostile Attribution Bias with Habit Formation

Mackenzie C. Smith, Western University

Constructing an In Vitro 3D Model of the Human Placenta

Michael Zheng, Western University

Constructing scale, eroding responsibility: the politics of scoping in Canadian energy project reviews

Yanqi Li

Contact Angle & Electrochemical Measurements of Metallic Atmospheric Corrosion on Copper and Carbon Steel

Jacob J.M. Bunting, Western University
Jiju M. Joseph, Western University
Heng-Yong Nie
Samantha M. Gateman, Western University

Contract Law Casebook Research Spreadsheet

Raza M. Husnain, Western University

Contribution of Septic Systems to Nutrient Contamination of Surface Waters

Dylan Devito, Western University

Creating a Commercial Classical Music Recording

Winnie Zheng, Western University

credit card fraud detection

Charles Wang

Damage Assessment in Aging Structures using Augmented Reality

Omar Zuhair Awadallah, Western University
Ayan Sadhu, Western University

Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning Modules

Rawan El Moghrabi, Western University

Decolonizing Toronto Theatre

Hanna Shore, Western University

Deep Autoencoder Clustering of Anthropogenic Seismicity

Liam Wright, Western University

Depression and Memory: Investigating Pattern Separation Performance in Individuals with Treatment-Resistant Depression

Nardeen Yalda

Deshkan Ziibi Conservation Impact Bond Replication

Si Zhe yUAN, Western University

Detecting and simulating graphene nanosheets on leaves of Ceratophyllum Demersum

Teresa A. Buragina, Western University

Developing a Nasal Organotypic Model to Investigate the Effects of the Nasal Microbiome on Susceptibility to Pathogens

Victor H.K. Lam Mr., Western University

Developing Accurate Methods to Measure Pressure Fluctuations in Fluidized Beds

Lama Abdulal, Western University

Developing an Advanced Intellectual Property Curriculum

Emily R. Lynch, Western University

Development of High-Resolution Meteor Spectra Analysis

Zhangqing Yang

Development of the Safe, Ethical, & Inclusive Physical Activity Model

Charlie W. Brake, Western University
Rachel C. Reynolds, Western University

Digital Platforms for Youth Mental Health

Rachel Findlay, Western University

Digital Road Safety Education Intervention for Children: A Pilot Feasibility Study

Julia Pham, Western University

Does Aerobic Intensity Level in Standard Physical Therapy Relate to Change in Walking Endurance in Patients with Stroke?

Yunyi Yan, Western University

Doris McCarthy: Life and Work

Sydney T. McArthur, Western University

Eating Disorders in Canadian Sport History: An Introductory Case Study on Charlene Wong

Kimberly A. Callander

Ecology and Genetics of Three Canadian Butterflies: An Intro

Michela M. Contursi, Western University

Economics of Open-Source Solar Photovoltaic Powered Cryptocurrency Mining

Matthew Tiger McDonald, Western University
Koami Soulemane Hayibo, Western University
Finn Hafting, Western University
Joshua M. Pearce, Western University

EDI-D in Canadian Universities

Madison Milanczak, Western University

Educational Resources, Investing, and Neoliberalization

Mikayla Davila

Effect of a Nutrition and Exercise Lifestyle Intervention Program (NELIP) with a Family based Behavioural Treatment (FBBT) during Pregnancy and Postpartum on the Prevalence of Large Infants up to 1 Year of Age

Madeline E. Hubbard, Western University

Effect of Capacity Building Interventions on Classroom Teacher and Early Childhood Educator Physical Activity and Fundamental Movement Skills Related Self-efficacy, Knowledge, and Attitudes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Ameena Haddara, Western University
Matthew Bourke, Western University
Aidan Loh, Western University
Kendall A. Saravanamuttoo, Western University
Brianne A. Bruijns, Western University
Patricia Tucker, Western University

Electrophysiological Study of Sensory Sensitivity and Multisensory Integration in Autism

Michelle M. Luszawski, Western University

Endorsement (and Rejection) of Normative Fitness Culture: Qualitative Evidence for a Novel Construct

Sara M. Stanley, Western University
Eva Pila, Western University
Katarina Huellemann, Western University

English Translations of two German All-Souls’-Day Pieces

Taro Omori, Western University

Enhancing Chemistry Education through Team-Based Active Learning Strategies

Katelyn Helka, Western University

Entropic Voxels Indicate Large Brain-State Repertoires

Adam Hull, Western University

Evaluating The Effectiveness of Speech-Language Pathology Interventions for Autistic Children and Youth

Lauren Choi, Western University

Ex-smokers with and without COPD: Investigating CT Pulmonary Vascular, Airway, Pulmonary Artery and Aorta Measurements

Vedanth Desaigoudar
Paulina V. Wyszkiewicz
Alexander M. Matheson
Maksym Sharma
Marrissa J. McIntosh
Harkiran K. Kooner
David G. McCormack
Grace Parraga

Examination of Installation Effects on Multi-Jet Meter Performance

Domenic Quiquero, Western University

Examining the Effect of Knocking Down Dopamine Receptors in Fruitless Sexually Dimorphic Neurons on Social Spacing

Avneet A. Sahota, Western University

Exploring Digital Transformation in Dentistry at the SSMD Dental Clinic

Aliaa Abdelmeguid, Western University

Exploring Human-Caused Fire Occurrence Prediction

Ruyi Jin, Western University

Exploring the structural and functional effects of pediatric hydrocephalus on the hippocampus

Lili Meng, Western University

Exploring the Use of Covellite as a Proxy for Corrosion of Native Copper by Sulphur Reducing Bacteria

Manan K. Joshi, Western University

Fabrication of Gold Nanoraspberry Arrays by Soft Lithography

Christy Yu-Qing Xie, Western University

Financial Literacy: Self-Evaluation and Reality

Yangsijia Wang, Western University

Financial Wellbeing of Working Canadians

Michael Ritacco, Western University

Finding Meaning in Life

Pedro Baeta

Fluid Inclusion Analysis of Halite: A Snapshot of the Cambrian Explosion

Amy R.A. Lefebvre

Forest City Memories: A Comprehensive look at Black History in London Ontario

Isaac Edward Mapp, Western University

From Water Fleas to AI: My Summer Research Experience

Joseph Butler, Western University

Functional Characterization of a High-Throughput In Vitro Model to Predict Faecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) Donor Success

Catherine M. Andary, Western University

Functional Near-InfraRed Spectroscopy: A Quick Summary

Catherine S. Lin, Western University

Functional Neuroimaging Techniques to Examine Falls and Cognition in Older Adults: A Systematic Review

Tia M. Seleem, Western University
Raphael Gabiazon, Western University

Functional structure of excess return and volatility

Chenxi Zhao, Western University

Fungal Co-Pathogenicity on Panax quinquefolius

Andrea Ong, Western University

GBSV Resource Guide and Review for The University of Western Ontario and Surrounding Area

Alyssa J. Madhani, Western University

Generating Light Curves from Simulated Active Galactic Nuclei Data

William Yuan, Western University

Graph Analytics

Emiliano Penaloza, Western University

How can social networks impact careers in game development?

Tongzhang Wang, Western University

How Do Ontario Cities View Environmental Sustainability?

Spencer Cook, Western University


Amanda M. Gutzke, Western University

Human Augmentation Technology: Exploring Exoskeleton Patents

Mridula A. Debnath, Western University

Human Claustrum Activation During Pain

Zoravar S. Sidhu, Western University
David A. Seminowicz, Western University
Brent W. Stewart, University of Maryland at Baltimore

Humanizing Technology: Exploring the Implementation of Emotion Tracking Artificial Intelligence in Cars

Aaron CD Doerfler, Western University

Humor Styles and Job Interests

Trinity Ho, Western University

Impact of an Early Childhood Educator e-Learning Course in Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour on Young Children’s Movement Behaviours in Childcare: The TEACH-Preschooler Study

Aidan Loh, Western University

Implementing L'Hopital's Rule in Multiple Dimensions

Adam Ursenbach, Western University

Improving Electrical Properties of Polypropylene/GNP composites Using Compatibilizer and Solvent-Assisted Melt Blending

Yazan Al Jawhari, Western University

Improving Governance in Ontario Health Teams

Mausam Vadakkayil, Western University

Improving the Crystal Habit of Rufinamide

Peter M. Sadaka

In-vitro Validation of Intratumoral Modulation Therapy for Glioblastoma

Abdulla Elsaleh, Western University

Individual Differences in Categorization

Urooj Anees, Western University

Inside Insects - Climate Change and Metamorphosis

Cailyn R. McKay, Western University

Intensity-Specific Training Adaptations to Exercise in Females

Julianna P. Mereu, Western University

Interrogating the effects of Ambroxol on lysosome enzymes in microglia

Sairam Gajavelli, Western University

Interrogation of the iNKT-MAIT Cell Interface

Nicole I. Wang, Western University

Intracranial EEG Patient Analysis: Seizure Reduction in Refractory Epilepsy Following Depth Electrode Insertion

Shreyashish Roy-Chowdhury, Western University

Introduction to Pub/Sub Systems using OPCUA

Mete Isiksalan, Western University

Investigating Classical Be Stars & Their Surrounding Disks

Shivam Gupta, Western University

Investigating Distributions of Epochs in Wildland Fire Lifetimes

Xinlei Wang

Investigating Six Nations Day School Records from 1879 to 1953

Sarah Stavridis, Western University

Investigating the Biological Function of Female-Specific Fruitless Transcripts

Liam McFarlane, Western University

Investigating the Effects of PU.1 and CEBPα Co-transfection on B16BL6 Melanoma Cells

Sherry Chen, Western University

Investigating the role of RXRα in spine development of embryonic mice

Hannah Henein, Western University

Investigating the Role of Speech-Specific Mechanisms in Statistical Learning

Sierra J. Sweet
Laura Batterink, Western University
Stephen Van Hedger, Western University

Investigation of key factors to earthquake insurance take-up rates in Quebec and British Columbia households and prediction model building

Yongcheng Jiang, Western University

Investigation of Neurotransmitter’s Knockdown Effect on Drosophila Melanogaster Female Aggression

Asil N. El Galad, Western University

Ion Beam Analysis of Na Batteries

Jacob Regier, Western University

Labour & Ontario's Visual Arts Sector

Lauren Medeiros, Western University


Jisu Kim Mr., Western University
Tiffany Bayley, Western University

Learning From Lived Experience: Substance Use Policies, Emergency Shelters, and Harm Reduction in London, ON

Jesse Cram
Dena Salehipour

Learnings from the Pandemic's Impact on Parasport: An Analysis of Parasport Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Erica Lo, Western University

Lecture note on Delay Differential Equation

Wenfeng Liu, Western University

Legal Blog Post: Damage Awards for Wrongful Deaths of Young Children

Nicole Voskuil, Western University

Lesbian Neighbourhoods: The Disappearance and Displacement

Tahlia H. Shannon, Western University

Let’s Talk Stress: Decoding Mechanically Stressed Cartilage’s Signals to Synovium in Knee Osteoarthritis

Emily Sodhi, Western University

Lipid Gain in Mythimna unipuncta Moths Raised on Sucrose and Glucose Based Comparative Diets

Colleen I. Barghout, Western University
Libesha Anparasan, The University of Western Ontario
Keith A. Hobson, The University of Western Ontario

Magical Thinking and Contagion: A Descriptive Review

Sua Lee, Western University

Making the Connection Explicit: Service Learning, the SDGs, and the University’s Third Mission

Chloe Bissell, Western University

Mapping Governmental Engagement with Community Engaged Learning in Canadian Higher Education: An Environmental Scan of Key Trends

Hannah R. Argiloff, Western University

Mathematical analysis of a Hemispherical Resonator Gyroscope

Sean McEvoy, Western University

Matrix Optimization of ZnO for Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Small Neurochemicals in Rat and Mouse Brain Tissue

Natalie B. Merola, Western University
Juan Pablo Galindo Lazo, Western University

Measuring the Exposure and Vulnerability of Transit Riders to Cold Temperatures in London, Ontario

Armin Mahboubi, Western University

Measuring the Extreme Beliefs of Others

Matthew rothe-chelich, Western University

Menstrual and Fertility Tracking Apps and the Post Roe v. Wade Era

Samantha T. Campanella, Western University

Metabolomic approach for earlier diagnosis of cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury

Steven Xiu, Western University
James (Yong Jin) Lim, Western University

Meteorite Investigation and Classification

Olivia N. Benest, Western University

Methodological challenges in pharmacoeconomic submissions for cancer drug reimbursement in Canada from 2019-2021

Nupur Krishnan, Western University

Methodology for Research on Perceptions of Inclusion in a Children's Museum

Sophia Robinson, Western University

Microvascular Regulation between Two Hemodynamic Steady States in the Forearm and Forehead using Wavelet Phase Coherence

Yuki Bao, Western University

Mistranslating tRNAs alter the Heat Shock Activation by Hsf1

Rebecca Dib, Western University

Model Transformations between Sequence Diagram and Activity Diagram with QVTo

Yutong Xia, Western University

Modernizing and Diversifying Western's Audio Engineering Curriculum: First Stage

Kyle Haddad, Western University

Modified Synthesis of a Photoswitchable AA-DD Hemthioindigo-Based Hydrogen Bond Complex

Victoria Chou, Western University
Paul Winiarz, Western University
James Wisner, Western University
Fereshteh Davoud,, Western University

MOF Synthesis on CNT for Li-Li Symmetric Cells

Simon Hungate, Western University

Moment-Curvature Relationship of Concrete Columns Exposed to Fire from Two, Three, and Four Sides

Catherine G. Bell

Mood, Reward, and Restrictive Eating: A Research Proposal

Sara Ceresia, Western University

Morphology and Strain in the Subchondral Trabeculae of Osteoarthritic Humeral Heads

Anna Yang

Morphology of the Acromion and Scapular Spine with Special Interest in the Strength & Failure Prediction after Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement

Andrei M. Matusa, Western University
Cole Fleet, Western University
George S. Athwal, Western University
James A. Johnson, Western University

Motor learning by observing the movements of a computer-animated, human-like actor and a non-limb observational video

Mudia Iyayi

Multigene phylogeny of mushroom genus Hohenbuehelia (Fungi = Pleurotaceae)

Beau Claude Daigneault, Western University

Multisensory Integration in Children with ADHD: A Behavioural Investigation

Bernice Leung, Western University

Music and Movement: Techniques and Directions in Parkinson's Research

Verena Rafael, Western University

My Summer Working with Two-Spotted Spider Mites

Renée A. Smith

My Words, or Yours? Analyzing the Development of Cannabis Legislation in Canada

Cynthia Huo, Western University

Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Scoping Review

Jashnoor Chhina, Western University
Zachariah Schonberger, Western University
Daniyal Khan, Western University
Clara Sun, Western University
Stephanie Frisbee, Western University

Nevis’ Archives: Learning About The Bath House Hotel

Loren Gordon, Western University

Non:wa: Navigating Indigenous Modernity Through Female Artists' Perspectives

Nicole Bussey, Western University

Normative Joint Angles and Compensation During FIT-HaNSA Test

Jennifer J. Villeneuve, Western University

Open-Source and 3-D Printed Autoinjector

Anjutha Selvaraj, Western University

Open-Source Tourniquet Testing and Trainging Device

Lewis Klug, Western University

Optimization of the Synthesis Parameters of SAPO-34

Adam Honchar, Western University

Optimizing iPSC Differentiation with Machine Learning

Apple Geng, Western University

Optimizing RNA Isolation and Histology Protocols for Characterization of Preclinical Models of Tendon Disease

Deirdre Finnigan, Western University
Melika Meshkat, Western University
Ali Naeij, Western University
Dawn Bryce, Western University
Matthew W. Grol, Western University

Osteoarthritis and Translational Research: The Intersection between Biomechanical and Immunological Approaches

Alice Wang, Western University

Osteoarthritis in Early to Middle Epipalaeolithic

Aasiyah Sheri Ms, Western University

Oxidative Stress in Gryllus veletis

Caitlin Oh, Western University
Zainab Hassonali, Western University
Stefane Saruhashi, Western University
Brent J. Sinclair, Western University

Pandemic, Stress and Information Overload

Maya Fernandez Contreras, Western University

Pandemic-related Stress and Information Overload Handbook

Alexia T. Baggetta, Western University

Parent-Youth Similarities on Negative Affect: Analyses of Language Parameters in Semi-Structured Interviews

Leo Ye, Western University

Parental Alienation Syndrome Memo

Alexander Winter, Western University

Parkinson’s Disease & Difficult Conversations

Emily Brinovec

Participant Outcomes from the Virtual More Than Words® Program

Jodi Friesen

Perceptions of Inclusion in Children's Museums - Study Progress Report

Tatiana Dimos, Western University

Philosophy For Life Podcast

Sydney O. Turner, Western University

Philosophy of Technology: The Creation of a New Course

Anthony Tannous

Picked Last: A Review of Transgender Athletes’ Experiences in Sport

Jacqueline Villanueva, Western University

Planning for Micromobilities in Canada: Transportation Policy Review

Nathaniel C. Frisbee BA, Western University
Jason Gilliland PhD, Western University
Jinhyung Lee PhD, Western University

Plant Closures In Ontario Over The Last Twenty Years

Wenxi Dong, Western University

Polymer translocation through a nanopore: Controlling capture conformations using an electrical force

Matthew D. Wei, Western University

Post-Pandemic University Timeline Project

Erika S. Romanelli-Baird, Western University

Problematic Paradigms: Harmful Implications of AI Technology in Education

Nathalie C. Diberardino, Western University

Producing and Measuring Oscillatory Shear in a Novel Microfluidic Chip

Sanaz Lordfard, Western University
Daniel Lorusso, Western University
Tamie L. Poepping, Western University
Hristo N Nikolov, Western University
Kayla Soon, Western University
Stephen Sims, Western University
Jeffrey Dixon, western university
David Holdsworth, Western University

Project Khepri: Mining Asteroid Bennu for Water

Erika Frost, Western University
Gowtham Boyala, University of Alberta
Adam Gremm, University of Alberta
Ahmet Gungor, University of Alberta
Amirhossein Taghipour, University of Alberta
Massimo Biella, University of Arizona
Jiawei "Jackson" Qiu, University of Arizona
Athip Thirupathi Raj, University of Arizona
Arjun Chhabra, University of Toronto
Adam Gee, University of Toronto
Saanjali Maharaj, University of Toronto
Erin Richardson, University of Toronto
Julia Empey, University of Waterloo
Haidar Ali Abdul-Nabi, Western University
Lindsay Richards, Western University
Ariyaan Talukder, Western University
Aaron Groh, Western University
Brie Miklaucic, Western University
JD Carlson, University of Alberta
Kristina Kim, University of Alberta
Maverick Cue, University of Alberta

Providing Psychosocial support through Virtual Support Groups to Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and their Caregivers: A Scoping Review

Larissa Mailhot, Western University
Laura Mulder, Western University
Andrew M. Johnson, Western University

Proving Dirichlet's Theorem on Arithmetic Progressions

Owen T. Abma, Western University

Querying the world's biggest open-source library to quantify U.S. politics

Peter Fornasiero, Western University

Race disparities in pain among Canadian adults.

Harry Alorgbey Sardina, Western University

Race disparities in pain among Canadian adults.

Harry Alorgbey Sardina, Western University

Racial Inequalities in Booster Shot Uptake: Black Communities in the City of Toronto

Anjali Bhaheeratha

Rapid changes in vascular compliance contribute to cerebrovascular ​adjustments during vasovagal syncope (VVS)

Aleena Sajid, Western University

Real-World Outcomes of Virtual More Than Words®: A Program for Parents of Autistic Children

Katarina Miletic, Western University

Relationship Between Humor Styles and Individual Difference Variables

Mira Ismail

Reporting Standards for Machine Learning Research in Type 2 Diabetes

Grace Kang, Western University

Research output for USRI

Malak Sadek

Resistance training improves white matter structural connectivity in older adults at-risk for cognitive decline

Ryu Lien

Return to Physical Activity post-Total Knee Arthroplasty and Total Hip Arthroplasty

Bob T. Gao, Western University
Ashley Lowndes, Western University
Denise M. Connelly, Western University

Rheological Characterization of Blood-Mimicking Fluids for Use in Particle Image Velocimetry

Anorin S. Ali, Western University

RNA Isolation in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Mice Models

Salem Abu Al-Burak, Western University

RNA-Interference as a Topical Pesticide

eleanor khochaba, Western University

Scoping Review of Congestive Heart Failure and Informal Caregiving

Claire Marshall, Western University

Scoping Review on Homelessness in Canada

Jackie Tan, Western University

Screen-viewing among young children in childcare: An updated systematic review

Leann Blake

Screening for the effects of signalling types in Fruitless containing neuron affecting social space and climbing

Khadijat Oluwakemi Mosuro

Self-compassion as a moderator in the association between eating disorder pathology and interpersonal needs

Monica Sadowski, Western University

Semantic analysis of stock market-related posts

Jiangqi Cui

Simple and Fast Fabrication Methodology for Platinum and Carbon Ultramicroelectrodes (UME) in Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM)

Emma Mae Lord, Western University
Jiju Joseph, Western University
Samantha M. Gateman, Western University
Zhifeng Ding, Western University

Simulating and Modelling Adaptive Walks with the NK Model

Abigail K. Kushnir, Western University

Simulating Salience: Developing a Model of Choice in the Visual Coordination Game

Adib Sedig, Western University

Smart Indigenous Youth

Jamin Patel

Solving Partial Differential Equations Using the Finite Difference Method and the Fourier Spectral Method

Jenna Siobhan Parkinson, Western University

Spatial Movements of White-tailed Deer

Jared Newport, Western University

Spatiotemporal analysis of wild pig route fidelity in the southern United States

Charlotte SL Reid

Specialized Nanoparticles for Brain Treatment: an Animation

Etienne Joulin, Western University

STEAM Maker Education Social Action Project

Kelly Cluness, Western University

Stimulus Duration Alters Temporal Sensitivity in Rat Model of Audiovisual Perception

Juwairiya F. Ahmad, Western University

Studying Multiple Sclerosis - Infographic

Eden Kemal, Western University

Sustainable Development Goals within Canadian Universities

Kavanagh S.A Lambert

Synthesis and Characterization of Cr-ZnGa2O4 and Eu-Ca3(PO4)2 Composite

Benjamin Hulme, Western University

TCA Fabrication Devices

Brendan R. DiFabio, Western University

Teacher Education in the Arts Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jake E. Knight, Western University

Teaching Psychology in V2: To Stream or not to Stream, That is the question

Andrew L. Vincent Mr., Western University

TEB 406 Reflection

Ryan Alfonso Falcon, Western University

Temporal Variability of Public Transit Supply-Demand Gaps in London, ON, Canada

William Yang, Western University

Texas Whitetail Deer Home Range Analysis

Runzi Mu, Western University

Text Comprehension in Monolingual and Bilingual Adult Readers

Sharan K. Grewal, Western University
Deanna Friesen, Western University
Olivia Ward, Western University

The Americanization of Third-Party Spending in Canadian Elections

Katherine Campbell, Western University


Liana S. Forsyth, Western University

The Black Artiste: Politization as Racialization

Matthew Dawkins

The Brain-Gut Axis of Honey Bees: Testing how Microbiota Affect Individual and Social Behaviour

Shenella A. George

The Brain-Gut Axis of Honeybees: Testing How Microbiota Affect Individual and Social Behaviour

Julia F. Lacika
Shenella George

The Data Science of Predicting Elections

Kenn S. McDonald, University of Western Ontario

The Development of Conspiracy Theories During the Freedom Convoy

Srinjoyee Chakraborty Ms., Western University

The Differences Between Visual and Auditory Pattern Separation

Alvira Khurram

The Differences in Community Rehabilitation Received by Individuals with Neurological Conditions Among Racial Groups: A Scoping Review

Gopi Patel, Western University
Hyun-Joon Pak, Western University

The Effect of Dopamine on the Behavioral Response to Isolation in Drosophila melanogaster

Micah R. Evans, Western University

The effect of innovation performance on the pricing in private placement

Tong Liu, Western University

The Effect of Leverage on Credit Default Swaps

Xiling Lai, Western University

The Effect of Type 1 Diabetes on the Metabolic Response to Exercise

Theres Tijo, Western University

The Effects of Caffeine on Mental Fatigue following a 48-hour Abstinence Period

Nader Elshawish
Ali Shirzad

The effects of gases from food waste on human health: A systematic review

Paulina Rudziak, Western University

The Effects of Prenatal Cannabis Exposure on the Basolateral Amygdala

Karen KW Wong, Western University

The effects of the aromatase inhibitor, Letrozole, on lithium chloride (LiCl)-induced conditioned disgust behaviour (anticipatory nausea) in male rats

Vangel Matic, Western University

The Feminist Thinkers Database

Abigail Sobin, Western University

The freezing and thawing of Gryllus veletis

Zainab Hassonali, Western University
Caitlin Oh, Western University
Stefane Saruhashi, Western University
Brent J. Sinclair, Western University

The Growing Discipline of African Diasporic & Black Studies in Canadian Post-Secondary Institutions

Xie Xin Lin, Western University

The impact of cricket wing venation patterns on wing resonators

Ryan J. Weiner Mr., Western University

The Impact of International Experiential Learning on Career Trajectories: A Scoping Literature Review

Nishta Mehta

The Influence of Personality Trait Variation on Curiosity Seeking Behaviours

Brian Krivoruk, Western University

The influence of statistical summary representations on stimulus-driven prosaccades

Faith Hedges

The Iroquoian Sweat Lodges of Dorchester Village

Dana V. González Zavala, Western University

The Myth of Fanfiction: An Examination of Two Deeply Connected Traditions of Storytelling

Fionntan I. Ferris Mr., Western university

The Nature of Well-being

Shai L. Butler, Western University

The OMMABA Project

Katsiaryna Buchko, Western University

The q-Analogue of the Extended Generalized Gamma Distribution

Wenhao Chen, Western University

The Relationship Between Joint Stiffness and Leg Morphology in Spiders

Lachlan Fisher, Western University

The Rise of Blockchain Technology in Businesses

Haiqiang Chen, Western University

The Role of Increased Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP14) Expression on Apoptosis Sensitivity in Human Breast Cancer Cells

Roukayah Rifai, Western University

The Shadow Pandemic: A Systematic Review on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children and Adolescents Obsessive-Compulsive disorder.

Nasong A. Luginaah, Western University

The State of Ohio’s Auditors and the Enumeration of Population, and the Project of Eugenics

Kiera Taylor, Ivey Business School at Western University

The Use of Non-Surgical Treatments in Patients Waiting for Total Hip Arthroplasty

Qi Zhen Chen, Western University

The Use of the 129Xe MRI Ventilatory ADC Approach for the Evaluation of Emphysema Progression

Keeirah Raguram, Western University

The Validity of a Smartphone App (myrecovery©) to Serve as Proxy for Activity Level in Athletes

Nicole K. Bryant, Western University
Alan Getgood, Department of Surgery, Western University
Trevor Birmingham, School of Physical Therapy, Western University
Ryan Degen, Fowler Kennedy Sports Medicine Clinic
Kevin Willits, The University of Western Ontario
Robert Litchfield, Fowler Kennedy Sports Medicine Clinic
J. Robert Giffin, The University of Western Ontario

Thought content during music listening

Sarah Sequeira, Western University

Tissue Mechanics-based Algorithm for Improving Strain Accuracy in Ultrasound Elastography

Amal Aziz, Western University

Topic Modeling

Byron H. Chung, Western University

Transforming Second Language Classrooms: The CEFR and the Plurilinguistic Approach

Valentina Bautista

Travelling Wave Solutions on a Cylindrical Geometry

Karnav R. Raval, Western University

Triple-Motor Driver for Hand Simulator

Yamaan Bakir, Western University

TSR Coding for Persons Living with Dementia and Care Partners

Kyla M. Finlayson, Western University

Uncovering the Mysteries of Retention Ponds: Comparing the Abundance and Type of Microplastics in Storm Water Ponds in London Ontario

Natalie Rose Minda, Western University

Understanding Emergent Team States and Wellness in Small Groups: A Systematic Review​

Simran Dhaliwal, Western University

Understanding Spirituality of Drug-Use Behaviours and Substance Use Disorders

Taea F. Ho, Western University

Understanding Virtual Care Uptake in the Context of Clinical Audiology: An Implementation Evaluation Using the Normalization Process Theory

Shruthi Sundararaman, Western University

University Students With Disabilities, Accessibility, and the "Return to Normal"

Kate M. Mahoney, Western University
Samuel A. Schneider, Western University
Anika Sebudde, Western University

Unmasking the silent killer to heart health: An evaluation of cardiometabolic risk and screening in outpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation

Luxshmi Nageswaran, Western University

Updating the Outdated Apollo Mission Lunar Impactite Classifications

Marc Mechem, Western University

Using a Musical Beat to Influence Linguistic Statistical Learning

Aspen Leung, Western University

Using MicroCT to Analyze the Anatomy of Pentamerid Brachiopods

Joshua J. Major, Western University

Using Stable-isotopes to Determine the Effects of Land-use Change on Carbon Storage

Morgan Basile

USRI Experience: Global Health Equity at Western University

Rachel Pizzonia, Western University

USRI Experience: The Development of Carcinoid Heart Disease and Cardiovascular Disease in Neuroendocrine Tumour Patients

Manothri Y. Mallikarachchi, Western University
Stephanie J. Frisbee, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Elena V. Tsvetkova, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

USRI Restore research group internship

Tristan Paventi

USRI Summer Experience - Psychological Intern

Jessica Ierullo, Western University

Utilizing RNAi Technology to Develop Novel Agricultural Pesticides

Ethan B. Zand, Western

UWO Students' Use of Social Media to Navigate Accessibility

Anika Sebudde
Samuel Schneider
Kate M. Mahoney

Video-based Non-Contact Vibration Measurement Software

Mithila Sothynathan, Western University
Samuel Asokanthan, Western University

Vision SoHo

Ana C. Jerez Campos Ms., Western University

Walkability for Older Adults with Age-Related Vision Loss in London, Ontario

Emily Laliberte, Western University

Wartime Canada: Digitalized Artifacts as Pedagogical Tools for the Instruction of First and Second World War History

Alejandra Largo Alvarez, Western University


Christopher Adepoju

Wellness Study: Functional Visual Outcomes in Eye Disease Patients following the COVID-19 Pandemic

Andrew Maher, Western University

Where are the Habitable Planets in our Local Group of Galaxies?

William C. Windsor, Western University

Yoga in Virtual Reality (VR)

Helena J. Amyot, Western University